Heat & Gases; Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy
HKDSE Physics in 24 Hours
by Simon Poon
Heat and Gases; Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy
First edition - September 2014
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List of Supplementary Documents
Heat & Gases; Radioactivity & Nuclear Energy is the sixth among the several volumes of Physics in 24 Hours series, which is specially written for students who sit for the HKDSE Physics Examination. Notes and examples in this book are in line with the latest fine-tuned syllabus of HKDSE Physics Examination (2016 onwards). Detailed and comprehensive explanations on difficult concepts are given in this book. The point-form notes are the ultimate quick revision tool for students. Multiple choice questions at the end of every topic provide an effective way in checking study progress. Bonus mock examination questions on the topics “Heat & Gases” and “Radioactivity & Nuclear Energy” are provided at the end of the book. These questions are tailor-made in resemblance to the style and format of their public examination counterparts.
PART I - Heat & Gases
Topic 1 - Temperature, Heat And Internal Energy
1.1 Temperature and thermometers
1.2 Heat and internal energy
1.3 Heat capacity and specific heat capacity
Topic 2 - Transfer Process
2.1 Basic concepts
2.2 Applications concerning conduction, convection and radiation
Topic 3 - Change Of State
3.1 Melting, freezing, boiling and condensing
3.2 Measurement of specific latent heat
3.3 Evaporation
Topic 4 - Gases
4.1 Gas pressure
4.2 Gas laws
4.3 General gas law
4.4 Macroscopic definition of ideal gas
4.5 Kinetic theory of gases
4.6 Qualitative explanation of the gas laws using kinetic theory
PART II - Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy
Topic 1 - Radiation And Radioactivity
1.1 X-rays
1.2 Radioactivity
Topic 2 - Atomic Model
2.1 Atomic structure
2.2 Isotopes and radioactive transmutation
Topic 3 - Nuclear Energy
3.1 Mass-energy relationship
3.2 Nuclear fission and fusion
Supplementary document